Woman explains what’s OK to say to other women and what’s not, and it’s on point

A few years ago, writer Candace Sinclaire called attention to this issue by posting an enlightening Twitter thread about what women should and should not say to each other. “I want y’all to understand something: idgaf if a woman wants to dress conservatively, get married, cater to her husband, and have kids,” she began. “I do not care if a woman chooses to be submissive. I don’t give not one hot damn. Not one flying f**k was given. The issue is, most of these women don’t know how to do all the above WITHOUT belittling women who choose not to live their lives that way.”

Source: Woman explains what’s OK to say to other women and what’s not, and it’s on point

About K. Sis. Nicole T.N. Lasher

Webmatron of Maaternal.com

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