The Men of the Manosphere Are Looking for Daddies (Interview Reaction and Discussion)

Manosphere Fans Need Daddies
The Men of the Manosphere Are Looking for Daddies (Interview Reaction and Discussion) from YouTube

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[embed][/embed] For Harriet interviews fans and former fans of the late Kevin Samuels, who died as he lived, hating on intelligent women. She points out that a major reason guys get sucked into the manosphere grifters is because they are looking for a daddy. If you are Christian oriented, and need a daddy, don’t go…

Webmatron’s Notes on Say Goodbye To Macy Gray — She Outed Herself As A TERF

[sc name="voicemaat" ][/sc] On July 4, a day when selective freedom was celebrated in America, it was only fitting that Macy Gray chose to go on known bigot Piers Morgan’s show Uncensored and reveal herself as a transphobe on national television. After all, trans women in the U.S. are still fighting for their rights and…

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