Women work harder than men – our anthropological study reveals why

Women's Work
Women work harder than men – our anthropological study reveals why (The Conversation)

Men in rural China spend more time in leisure or social activities, or just hanging around and resting.

For most people around the world, physical work takes up a great amount of time and energy every day. But what determines whether it is men or women who are working harder in households? In most hunter-gatherer societies, men are the hunters and women are the gatherers – with men seemingly walking the furthest. But…

Female King Reviews The Woman King – YouTube

[embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8CgLxyRS6i8&ab_channel=K.Sis.NicoleLasher%28Ibtisam70%29[/embed] My impression of the movie everybody’s talking about lately. No point in “boycotting” this movie unless you’re boycotting Hollywood in general. Regardless, if you’re going to claim to be offended by people lying to you, then you should be giving more support to the people telling you the truth. These documentaries have been on…

Right Wing Women The Politics of Domesticated Females – Andrea Dworkin

Right Wing Women - Andrea Dworkin

Andrea Dworkin, an oft misinterpreted and sometimes rightly interpreted but misunderstood feminist author, goes in on right wing women. In the 2020’s it is prudent for all feminists of all stripes to give her a re-read even though maternal feminists, especially those of richer complexions, may have fundamental disagreements with her perspectives. She does successfully…

Recovering the African Feminine Divine in Literature, the Arts, and Practice … – Google Books

Recovering the African Feminine Divine in Literature, the Arts, and Performing Arts: Yemonja Awakening provides context to the myriad ways in which the African feminine divine is being reclaimed by scholars, practitioners and cultural scholars worldwide. This volume addresses the complex ways in which the reclamation of and recognition of Yemonja facilitates cultural survival and…

Indigenous Women Make Up Nearly Half of Canada’s Incarcerated Population; New Legislation Seeks to Change That | Currents

The Canadian Government has proposed new legislation that, if passed, would work towards dismantling “systemic racism in Canada’s criminal justice system”—particularly impacting Indigenous women, who are disproportionately represented in the criminal justice system. Source: Indigenous Women Make Up Nearly Half of Canada’s Incarcerated Population; New Legislation Seeks to Change That | Currents

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