The American Brand of Racism

The American Brand of Racism (The History of Antigua and Barbuda in writings, photographs, and stories)

  Although the Americans were initially greeted with brass bands and open arms, Antiguans at all levels of society quickly found that the Americans did not see their society as they did…

Although the Americans were initially greeted with brass bands and open arms, Antiguans at all levels of society quickly found that the Americans did not see their society as they did. The Americans brought to Antigua a consciousness of race, and a level of racial discrimination and hostility, that was far greater than any that…

Behind the Glitter: Child Labour in Mica Mining | Secrets of the Cosmetics Industry Documentary – YouTube

[embed][/embed] Unknown to its hundreds of millions of consumers is that most of it is filled with “dirty mica”, extracted using antiquated methods, close to slavery, in one of the poorest regions of the world: Jarkhand, India. Here, under the constant threat of landslides and toxic dust, children dig through the earth with their bare…

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