America is facing a diaper crisis, and the anti-abortion movement may not be helping

In 2019, Heartbeat International, an AAC giant, claimed to have provided 1.85 million individuals with free baby supplies, including more than 2 million baby clothing outfits, more than 19,000 strollers, and more than 1.2 million packs of diapers. However, data from Equity Forward, an accountability organization that produces investigative research related to gender equity and sexual and reproductive health, found inconsistencies with those numbers.”Instead of providing direct material support to people, they’re using this money for overhead costs to pay for staff salaries, to engage with SEO marketing professionals, to expand their outreach to promote themselves, and all sorts of things that are not providing services to people in need,” Equity Forward Director Ashley Underwood told Yahoo Finance. “They solely exist to deter people from getting abortion care.”

Source: America is facing a diaper crisis, and the anti-abortion movement may not be helping

About K. Sis. Nicole T.N. Lasher

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