Her daughter died in Uvalde shooting. How she will cope this Mother’s Day

“She’s such a smart little girl, because that’s a pretty big word,” she says. “So I asked her: ‘What does this mean to you?'”She says her daughter explained: “It means that when I’m sad you hug me, when I’m scared you’re there for me and I feel safe with you. You always protect me.”It was…

My Take on the Naked Education Hype

Just Education

I’m seeing a lot of (mostly fake) outrage about the _Naked Education_ show in Europe wherein some people appear naked and answer kids’ questions about the body, sex, etc. I wonder how these people who are so outraged would fare in cultures wherein nudity, full or partial, is normal. Probably not well. What’s funny to…

How U.S. Evangelicals Helped Homophobia Flourish in Africa – Foreign Policy

U.S. Evangelicals Helped Homophobia Flourish in Africa

A made-in-the-USA movement and ideology is polarizing African countries and harming and endangering LGBTQ+ people. Source: How U.S. Evangelicals Helped Homophobia Flourish in Africa – Foreign Policy

Ghana’s LGBTQ: How a US group with links to the far-right may have influenced a crackdown on the community | CNN

US group with links to the far-right may have influenced a crackdown on Ghana’s LGBTQ community

“The same people they claim to have brought homosexuality to Africa are the same people who told them to have this hate they are using against us,” he says. “There have always been queer Ghanaians.”Bediako says the anti-LGBTQ “family values” coalition has long been a loud presence in Ghana, but that it was never organized…

The Twitch Exodus: Why Streamers are Jumping Ship

The Twitch Exodus

[embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n9uZgNT1PEo&ab_channel=iilluminaughtii[/embed] For a while, Twitch seemed untouchable. They were the king of streaming and without real competition. However, as time has worn on, creators have become exhausted with their policies and hypocrisy. More streamers have left the platform and joined alternatives, like Youtube, leaving Twitch to catch up or die. Is Twitch falling apart, or…

A Firehose of Insanity and The Republican Cycle of Radicalization – Teri Kanefield

Republican Firehose of Insanity

We are essentially being hit with a firehose of insanity. I could spend a full blog post on any one of the above, but I think it’s better to back up and take a bird’s eye view to ask how has the Republican Party became so unhinged and radicalized. Source: A Firehose of Insanity and…

Here’s why Substack’s scam worked so well • Buttondown

Substack's Blog Monetisation Scam Lured Writers Into Funding Racists and Misogynists

Substack’s Blog Monetisation Scam Lured Writers Into Funding Racists and Misogynists Substack has become famous for giving massive advances — the kind that were never once offered to me or my colleagues, not up front and not after the platform took off — to people who actively hate trans people and women, argue ceaselessly against…

Kid Rock Doesn’t Know How to Shoot Straight

Kid Rock Doesn't Know How to Shoot Straight

You may have missed it in all the Trump indictment hoopla, but late last night, Kid Rock, aka Robert James Ritchie, posted a 35 sec. video on Twitter in which he fired an MP5 submachine gun in the direction of several cases of Bud Light resting on a table next to a lake. I say…

The Manosphere men are liars. (And so are the women who love them.)

For Harriet

[embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RXALsYRj2Ec&ab_channel=ForHarriet[/embed] Yep. They lie and make you regret being nice to them at all. I am vetting people much more carefully now. Next brother who claims to be Afroscientific or Kemetic is going to be quizzed on the practical application of the Affirmations of Ma’at. No more of these “pastor says” Pagans who never actually…

Stochastic Terrorism, Egregore, The Will to Power, and Hate Speech – YouTube

Nicole T. Lasher
Stochastic T3rr0rism, Egregore, The Will to Power, and H@te Speech from YouTube

Why I don’t believe that hate speech is truly done due to actual belief. These are people trying to gain money, clout, and either social or spiritual power through blood sacrifice.

[embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qFrROiQn2lU&ab_channel=K.Sis.NicoleLasher%28Ibtisam70%29[/embed] Why I don’t believe that hate speech is truly done due to actual belief. These are people trying to gain money, clout, and either social or spiritual power through blood sacrifice.

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