I’m a pediatric nurse and my daughter was airlifted due to RSV. What I want other parents to know

A pediatric nurse from Nebraska is speaking out to share her daughter’s experience with RSV, a respiratory virus that is spiking among children, leaving many pediatric hospitals across the country reaching capacity.Hannah Brand said her daughter Paitynn was just 2 months old when she developed what seemed like a cold.Over the course of several days, Brand said Paitynn got progressively worse and started to have difficulty breathing.”When she would breathe, she was panting and you could see she was almost kind of sweating,” Brand, a mom of three, told “Good Morning America.” “She was working so hard to take a breath.”

Source: I’m a pediatric nurse and my daughter was airlifted due to RSV. What I want other parents to know

About K. Sis. Nicole T.N. Lasher

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