Woman jailed over illegal abortion loses appeal

A woman imprisoned for more than two years for taking abortion pills outside of the legal time-limit has had an appeal against her sentence rejected.Carla Foster, a mother of three, from Barlaston, Staffs, took abortion-inducing drugs when rules were relaxed during the first Covid lockdown, when she was between 32 and 34 weeks pregnant.The 44-year-old lied to a nurse over the phone in May 2020 about how far along she was in order to obtain the drugs, after searching online: “I need to have an abortion but I’m past 24 weeks.” The legal limit for abortions unless in extreme circumstances.Last week, she was handed a 28-month imprisonment sentence after pleading guilty to a charge of administering drugs or using instruments to procure abortion.An appeal against her sentence was rejected at Stoke-on-Trent Crown Court yesterday.

Pay close attention. They’ve decided to imprison her for having a late term abortion at forty four years old.

Fourty four.

That’s an age when many women get menopause or other conditions that cause delayed periods.

Source: Woman jailed over illegal abortion loses appeal

About K. Sis. Nicole T.N. Lasher

Webmatron of Maaternal.com

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