Women Say They Were Pressured Into Long-Term Birth Control | TIME

In the last two decades, doctors have encouraged women to choose long-acting reversible contraceptives, or LARCs, because they are the most effective method of preventing unplanned pregnancies. Doctors and many patients like that LARCs–either IUDs, which are inserted in a woman’s uterus, or implants, which are inserted in a woman’s arm–allow women to “set it…

Centering Women and Girls’ Health in HIV Research | NIAID: National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases

Women account for approximately 23 percent of people with HIV in the United States. In recent years, women aged 25 to 34 comprised the highest number of new diagnoses. Furthermore, Black women, transgender women, and women aged 13 through 24 are more likely to experience health disparities associated with lack of access to HIV testing,…

Talking Postpartum Depression | Office on Women’s Health

Postpartum depression (PPD) is a common mental health condition that can affect anyone. While it can feel hard or lonely, healing from PPD is possible. About 1 in 8 women report symptoms of PPD in the year after giving birth. Everyone experiences PPD differently. Feeling sad, anxious, or overwhelmed are some of the signs. You…

Human rights violations against intersex people: civil society urges Human Rights Council resolution

[embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ptKQfFlR2x0&ab_channel=ilgaworld[/embed] “In most countries, intersex children are routinely subjected to unnecessary medical treatments, surgeries, and other interventions without expressed personal free and informed consent due to stigma and misconceptions about their sex characteristics. “The impacts of these practices – and their framing as human rights violations and abuses – have been highlighted by several human…

Women’s Health Awareness Conference

Over the past decade, The Women’s Health Awareness (WHA) Community Engagement Program has organized an annual conference for women living in Durham, North Carolina, and the surrounding areas. This FREE event provides health and environmental health education, screenings, advocacy, and services to attending participants. Issues covered in the conference often change annually and are typically…

Vulva Power

Patriarchy surrounds the vulva with silences and coverings, violence and wounds, taunting and shame: “You cunt!” and “Your mother’s cunt!”Yet many cultures have believed in the vulva’s sacredness, which gave it supremely protective powers. Attackers would flee rather than face its primordial force, and it even had the power to quell storms. Source: Vulva Power

Most human embryos naturally die after conception – restrictive abortion laws fail to take this embryo loss into account

…an important biological feature of human embryos has been left out of a lot of ethical and even scientific discussion informing reproductive policy – most human embryos die before anyone, including doctors, even know they exist. This embryo loss typically occurs in the first two months after fertilization, before the clump of cells has developed…

COVID-19 Vaccination and Boosting During Pregnancy Benefits Pregnant People and Newborns | NIH: National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases

The researchers found that pregnant people who received the COVID-19 vaccines generated antibodies against specific types of SARS-CoV-2. These included antibodies against the D614G variant (which the vaccines were designed to protect against), as well as the Delta and Omicron subvariants. The antibodies effectively crossed the placenta and were also found in the cord blood…

A Midwife is like a Mother by USAID publications – Exposure

During her personalized check-ups, Adama encourages women to receive their COVID-19 vaccine. If a woman refuses, Adama takes down her information and follows up by phone. Often, these women are amazed that Adama takes the time to call at all. If the patient still declines, Adama continues to follow up, sometimes even visiting patients at…

Amid transgender care bans, exceptions made for surgery on intersex children – ABC News

When Sean Saifa Wall was 13, a doctor recommended to his mother that Wall’s male-typical genitals be removed and that he begin feminizing hormone therapy.He says his late mother agreed to the surgery and treatment, but Wall adds that his mother picked the wrong gender for him.”Receiving my medical records and really learning about what…

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