Websites Selling Abortion Pills Are Sharing Sensitive Data With Google — ProPublica

Websites Selling Abortion Pills Are Sharing Sensitive Data With Google by an author (

Some sites selling abortion pills share information with Google. This data could be used to prosecute people who end their pregnancies with medication.

These third-party trackers, including a Google Analytics tool and advertising technologies, collect a host of details about users and feed them to tech behemoth Google, its parent company, Alphabet, and other third parties, such as the online chat provider LiveChat. Those details include the web addresses the users visited, what they clicked on, the search terms they used to find a website, the previous site they visited, their general location and information about the devices they used, such as whether they were on a computer or phone. This information helps websites function and helps tech companies personalize ads.But the nine sites are also sending data to Google that can potentially identify users, ProPublica’s analysis found, including a random number that is unique to a user’s browser, which can then be linked to other collected data.

Source: Websites Selling Abortion Pills Are Sharing Sensitive Data With Google — ProPublica

About K. Sis. Nicole T.N. Lasher

Webmatron of

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