Spanish-language disinformation growing with escalating political rhetoric | The Hill

Lea este artículo en español aquí.Communists. Election fraud. Great replacement. With just days to go before the midterms, the tone of political rhetoric is rising and bringing a heavy dose of disinformation with it, including in Spanish, where false claims are percolating among one of the fastest-growing electorates.Much of it is seeking to cast doubt on the validity of the U.S. voting process while pushing a number of false narratives from fringe media. “We’ve been seeing claims that are kind of anticipating election fraud,” said M. Estrada, a researcher with Media Matters who uses only their first initial professionally, adding that many purveyors of election-related disinformation were “getting ready to spew similar narratives” seen in 2020.

Source: Spanish-language disinformation growing with escalating political rhetoric | The Hill

About K. Sis. Nicole T.N. Lasher

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