How abortion is mobilizing young voters beyond midterms elections – Scalawag

The week of March 22, Governor Greg Abbot issued an order stopping medical procedures that weren’t deemed “medically necessary,” a COVID-era measure supposedly intended to preserve medical equipment that effectively banned abortions in the state. (At the same time, Abbott consistently refused to implement safety precautions or shelter-in-place orders to slow the spread of COVID-19.) Earlier in the month, it had been easy for Amber (whose last name is being withheld for privacy) to get into Planned Parenthood to confirm a pregnancy, but the requirement that she wait a few days to proceed with an abortion was detrimental. A few days after she went in, she got the call: She likely wouldn’t be able to get an abortion in Texas.

Source: How abortion is mobilizing young voters beyond midterms elections – Scalawag

About K. Sis. Nicole T.N. Lasher

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