Women work harder than men – our anthropological study reveals why

Women work harder than men – our anthropological study reveals why (The Conversation)

Men in rural China spend more time in leisure or social activities, or just hanging around and resting.

For most people around the world, physical work takes up a great amount of time and energy every day. But what determines whether it is men or women who are working harder in households? In most hunter-gatherer societies, men are the hunters and women are the gatherers – with men seemingly walking the furthest. But what’s the labour breakdown in other societies?We carried out a study of farming and herding groups in the Tibetan borderlands in rural China – an area with huge cultural diversity – to uncover which factors actually determine who works the hardest in a household, and why. Our results, published in Current Biology, shed light on the gender division of work across many different kinds of society.

Source: Women work harder than men – our anthropological study reveals why

You can also read about the MRA reaction to this in David Futrelle’s article Study finds that some women work much harder than men; Men’s Rightsers have a fit.

About K. Sis. Nicole T.N. Lasher

Webmatron of Maaternal.com

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