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Spelman College Alumni: Cop City represents an existential threat – Scalawag

An open letter to Spelman College: Denounce Cop City Now by Eva Dickerson (Scalawag)

While the HBCU boasts a commitment to Black gender-oppressed people, alumni say that destroying a critical ecosystem to invest millions in police terror is the highest degree of antiblackness.

Cop City, as it has been dubbed by local activists and community leaders, represents an existential threat to the lives of not just Atlantans, but people all over the world. Truly, Cop City is a threat to the safety and well-being of the Spelman community itself. Source: Spelman College Alumni: Cop City represents an existential…

What Florida Stands to Lose From its War on Books and Black History – Legal Defense Fund

What Florida Stands to Lose from Its War on Books and Black History
What Florida Stands to Lose From its War on Books and Black History by Mariel FernandezMariel Fernandez (NAACP Legal Defense Fund)

What Florida Stands to Lose from Its War on Books and Black History By Ishena Robinson Deputy Editorial Director Public education has been taken hostage in Florida. And the state legislature and governor’s feverish campaign to strictly limit what facts and information can be accessed in public learning institutions is the driving force behind this […]

Public education has been taken hostage in Florida. And the state legislature and governor’s feverish campaign to strictly limit what facts and information can be accessed in public learning institutions is the driving force behind this egregious incursion.The impact of this campaign, put into motion through a series of targeted and often discriminatory laws, is…

Georgina Beyer (Rest in Power) still has a fire in her belly | The Spinoff

Georgina Beyer
Georgina Beyer (Rest in Power) still has a fire in her belly by Alex Casey (The Spinoff)

In 2018, Alex Casey spoke to Georgina Beyer, the world’s first transgender mayor and MP, about her extraordinary life.

This interview contains references to sexual assault and suicide, please take care. Sex work and politics are pretty much the same trade, according to Georgina Beyer at least. During her time as an MP, she would strut through the halls of parliament, calling her comrades to arms by asking them if they were all ready…

El Salvador’s extreme anti-abortion laws | DW Documentary

El Salvador’s extreme anti-abortion laws | DW Documentary
El Salvador’s extreme anti-abortion laws | DW Documentary from YouTube

Up to 50 years in jail for murder, because a woman suffers a miscarriage? That’s the reality in El Salvador. In the stringently Catholic nation, abortion is …

[embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c5GLJ5SlwwQ&ab_channel=DWDocumentary[/embed] Up to 50 years in jail for murder, because a woman suffers a miscarriage? That’s the reality in El Salvador. In the stringently Catholic nation, abortion is prohibited across the board, even if the life of the mother is in danger. But a resistance movement is now gaining traction there. El Salvador has some…

Are doctors in Texas afraid to say ‘abortion?’ : Shots – Health News : NPR

abortion bans in Texas
3 abortion bans in Texas leave doctors ‘talking in code’ to pregnant patients (npr.org)

This past fall, when Lauren Miller of Dallas was 13-weeks pregnant with twins, she got horrible news. One of the twins had trisomy 18, a genetic abnormality that causes about 90% of fetuses to die before birth. The other twin was healthy.She learned from a genetic counselor that continuing to carry both fetuses could put…

Kimpa Vita of the Kingdom of Kongo: Embodiment of Resistance | The New York Public Library

Woman Praying
Kimpa Vita of the Kingdom of Kongo: Embodiment of Resistance | The New York Public Library (The New York Public Library)

Kimpa Vita's life exemplifies resistance to Europeans’ invasion and colonization of Africa.

Kimpa’s work to liberate and restore the kingdom was multidimensional. It was spiritual, political, and moral. According to records, Kimpa did not intend to become the King of the kingdom of Kongo. She created a new religion drawing from Catholicism and Kongo religion. Inspired by Saint Anthony in a vision, Kimpa set out to deliver…

Kinitra D. Brooks, ‘The Roots of Black Southern Religious Traditions’

Kinitra D. Brooks, 'The Roots of Black Southern Religious Traditions'
Kinitra D. Brooks, ‘The Roots of Black Southern Religious Traditions’ from YouTube

Kinitra D. Brooks, Literary Studies, Michigan State University Part of the W. E. B. Du Bois Research Institute Alumni Fellows Virtual Reading SeriesIn conver…

[embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bX6DyrPWVjg&ab_channel=HutchinsCenter[/embed] Kinitra D. Brooks, Literary Studies, Michigan State University Part of the W. E. B. Du Bois Research Institute Alumni Fellows Virtual Reading Series In conversation with Regina N. Bradley, Kennesaw State University

The Patriarchy Pick-Me SCAM

The Patriarchy Pick-Me SCAM
The Patriarchy Pick-Me SCAM from YouTube

Analyzing the popularity of anti feminist “pick me” women joining the manosphere grift.


Research News: we now understand more about HPV | The Eve Appeal

Research News: we now understand more about HPV (eveappeal.org.uk)

It is unclear what exactly determines who clears an infection and who doesn’t, although certain characteristics like age and whether they smoke play a role. In our recent research, now published in the International Journal of Cancer, we investigated further, how the body deals with the HPV infect…

Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) causes over 99% of cervical cancers and more than 80% of people get HPV at least once during their lifetime. The body is usually capable of clearing the infection and, therefore, most women do not develop cervical cancer. Dr Chiara Herzog blogs about recent research which explored why some people clear…

National Eating Disorders Awareness Week | Office on Women’s Health

National Eating Disorders Awareness Week
National Eating Disorders Awareness Week (U.S. Department of Health & Human Services)

It is estimated that over 28 million Americans will have an eating disorder in their lifetime. Eating disorders affect Americans of all ages, racial/ethnic backgrounds, genders, sexual orientations, body shapes, weights, and socioeconomic statuses. While eating disorders can affect anyone, research has shown that people of color, and gender diverse and transgender individuals are among those least likely to receive a diagnosis or appropriate care. Eating disorders most often appear during the teen years or in young adults, however in recent years there has been an increase in cases among children and older adults.

National Eating Disorders Awareness Week (NEDAW) highlights the seriousness of eating disorders across the United States. The theme for NEDAW 2023 is C.A.R.E (Continue the Conversation. Act Early. Strengthen Recovery. End the Cycle). During the week, OWH encourages organizations, health professionals, and communities to increase awareness of disparities in the diagnosis and treatment of eating…

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