Bilingual in sarcasm y solidaridad – Scalawag

“We needed a space for Latinos, Black folk, Native folk, Asian people—anybody—to exist and not just be traumatized groups that get exploited,” Arreguin explained.When the pandemic hit, the founders paused the podcast to deal with job furloughs, mental health, and advocacy work in the wake of George Floyd’s murder. But in early summer of 2021,…

Identifying Risks and Interventions to Optimize Postpartum Health

Maternal health research efforts have generally focused on pregnancy. However, the first year after the end of pregnancy, also referred to as the first year of the postpartum period, is an especially vulnerable time for people who give birth. The majority of maternal deaths (from all causes, including health conditions and violence) and severe pregnancy-related complications…

2022 DOD Insider Threat Virtual Conference

The 2022 Insider Threat Virtual Conference, hosted jointly by the Defense Counterintelligence Security Agency (DCSA), Center for Development of Security Excellence (CDSE), and the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security (OUSD(I&S)), will bring security professionals and policy makers across the U.S. Government and industry together to kick off the National…

Q&A: Southern abortion providers on what the media’s getting wrong – Scalawag

This is something I’ve been stressing with media a lot: moving away from the narrative of exceptions. Stop talking about exceptions. Exceptions are a false conversation because exceptions do not work in reality. When you give in to this conversation about how, “Oh, well, this bill doesn’t even have exceptions for rape and incest, and…

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