Do Not Use Infant Head Shaping Pillows to Prevent or Treat Any Medical Condition: FDA Safety Communication | FDA

Do not use infant head shaping pillows due to the risk of sudden unexpected infant death (SUID), inclusive of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), and suffocation and death.If you own an infant head shaping pillow, throw it away; do not donate or give it to anyone else. Source: Do Not Use Infant Head Shaping Pillows…

Spanish-language disinformation growing with escalating political rhetoric | The Hill

Lea este artículo en español aquí.Communists. Election fraud. Great replacement. With just days to go before the midterms, the tone of political rhetoric is rising and bringing a heavy dose of disinformation with it, including in Spanish, where false claims are percolating among one of the fastest-growing electorates.Much of it is seeking to cast doubt…

How Jordan Peterson Became a Pseudo-Intellectual Hack

[embed][/embed] Once upon a time, Jordan Peterson was a highly respected psychologist focusing primarily on studying and understanding personalities. His research was studied across the world, and no one seemed to bat an eye at his lectures. That is until he decided to make the jump from well-respected professor to youtube star. Out of nowhere,…

What a pregnancy actually looks like before 10 weeks – in pictures | Abortion | The Guardian

Abortion is now banned or severely restricted in 14 states in the US, the outcome of a decades-long campaign by anti-abortion advocates. In many states, abortion is no longer seen as a health procedure, but a morality issue. Pennsylvania’s Doug Mastriano – once a state senator, now running for governor – is one of a…

GLAAD gives social media giants poor grades over lack of LGBTQ protections : NPR

LGBTQ social media users say social media is neither a welcoming nor a safe place for them, a new GLAAD report shows.In a survey, 84% of LGBTQ adults said not enough protections are on social media to prevent discrimination, harassment or disinformation, according to the report. Additionally, 40% of LGBTQ adults, as well as 49%…

How Moscow grabs Ukrainian kids and makes them Russians | AP News

Russia claims that these children don’t have parents or guardians to look after them, or that they can’t be reached. But the AP found that officials have deported Ukrainian children to Russia or Russian-held territories without consent, lied to them that they weren’t wanted by their parents, used them for propaganda, and given them Russian…

Indigenous Tribes Push Back Against Evangelical Missionaries

[embed][/embed] For decades, evangelical missionaries have come to Brazil’s Amazon in search of new Christians – but indigenous tribes are fighting back. VICE News went to the border of the Javari Valley to find out why it’s so hard to keep missionaries out – and why some tribes want them back in.

There Once Was A Troll Who Hated Fat Women – Origins of the Manosphere

The Troll Who Hated Fat Women

[embed][/embed] Once upon a time, there was a place called Usenet. Fast forward 20 years, and now armies of millions of online personas can be launched to promote or harass anyone their handlers are paid to. This is important history for anyone doing anything important that might trigger someone’s fragility online.  

Psychology experts urge social media giants to increase transparency around algorithms to protect users’ mental health

In a new article published in the journal Body Image, a team of psychology researchers outline a mountain of evidence linking social media use to body image issues. The researchers describe how algorithms may be intensifying this link and urge social media corporations to take action. Source: Psychology experts urge social media giants to increase…

Supreme Court’s selective reading of US history ignored 19th-century women’s support for ‘voluntary motherhood’

Suffragists argued that legalizing birth control and abortion would hurt women, who already had few legal rights at the time. They said that men would then use these legal freedoms to further abuse and control women.Instead, suffragists embraced an idea they termed “voluntary motherhood.” This meant that women had the right to reject unwanted sex…

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